009 - Cuba Tobacco Cigar Co.

Little Havana, Miami, FL - Growing up in Cuba, Peter Bello never knew life without the scent of cigars filling the rooms of his home. Cigars were simply part of everyday life to everyone in Cuba and it was not until Peter moved to Miami at the age of 10 that he realized other children did not grow up the same way. His family started their cigar business over 100 years ago in the Canary Islands, moved it to Cuba then to Miami during the revolution. In this episode, Peter speaks about being a present owner, his care for his customers, and his family proudly wanting to carry on the business for the next 100 years.


Cuba Tobacco Cigar Co. - https://www.cubatobaccocigarco.com/

Cuba Tobacco Cigar Co. on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bello_cigars/

Cuba Tobacco Cigar Co. on X: https://twitter.com/CTCCcigars

Cuba Tobacco Cigar Co. on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cuba-Tobacco-Cigar-Co-316611875015635/

Editing/Sound Design/Social Media Packaging:

Video/Audio Equipment Used*:

Canon R5
Canon R50
Zoom H6 6-Track Portable Recorder
Shure MV7X XLR Podcast Microphone
MAONO Low Profile Microphone Arm
XLR Microphone Cable

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


010 - The Ferguson Brothers


008 - Blue Summit Supplies